mace lab

We use genetic, biochemical and cell biological techniques, including quantitative imaging and image analyses, to understand human natural killer cell development and function.

The overarching goal of our research is to dissect human NK cell development and acquisition of function. We do this through cell biological investigation of the contact-dependent mechanisms of NK cell differentiation and the role that cell migration plays in this process. In addition, we define novel requirements for human NK cell development through the study of individuals with rare primary immunodeficiencies that lead to impaired NK cell maturation. We have expertise in multiscale, multidimensional imaging and image analyses and in vitro modeling of human innate immune cell development. Detailed description of projects can be found here

We are located at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center in Washington Heights, with access to the 1, A and C trains. More information about the Department of Pediatrics at Columbia University Irving Medical Center is here. More information about the Integrated Program in Cellular, Molecular and Biomedical Studies at CUIMC is here.
College of Physicians and Surgeons Building
P&S 10-451
630 W 168th St
New York, NY USA 10032 USA